Troubleshooting General Issues

This article explains general issues encountered while setting up and running docker on-premises. For more information, refer to on-prem setup.

Issue with Docker Login

In terminal, login to docker hub using following details:
Login Command: docker login -u testsigmaonprem
Access Token: dckr_pat_CFLXvWlwUkrfIJj1d6lpeRPLh5o


a. If you see any issue, refer to the following link:
b. Any issues with gpg password store, restart gpg-agent using below 2 commands:

gpgconf --kill gpg-agent 

Docker-compose File is Unsupported

While running docker-compose up if you see below error, issue is with the installed version of the docker-compose.

Version in ./docker-compose.yml is unsupported

Steps to Resolve this Issue
Remove existing docker-compose and re-install specific versions.


You can also get the specific URL from github docker-compose releases (

Issue with Import, Export, and Screenshots

If there is any issue with export, import, and screenshots, change the folder permissions inside the container.

 docker ps #lists all the running containers with container IDs
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/sh  #To go inside the running container
docker exec -u root -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/sh   #To go inside the running container as root user
chown -R tsuser:testsigma ts_app_server_data      #to change permissions(folder names will be different for different containers)

Screenshots not Appearing

If screenshots are not appearing, possible reason could be due to insufficient permissions to ts_app_server_data folder inside docker container.

Steps to resolve:

a. List all running docker containers, Command: sudo docker ps

b. Enter inside app-server-val* container using below command. Make sure to copy the correct container-id. Below command is for the above output. Command: sudo docker -u root exec -it 11ac1998e5e1 /bin/sh

c. Navigate to /opt/app cd /opt/app

d. Execute command chown -R tsuser:testsigma ts_app_server_data

e. Run the test cases and check if screenshots are coming up.

Issue with addon upload (Connection refused/unknown server)

This error usually comes up when there’s an issue with the entries in the /etc/hosts.

Steps to Resolve the Issue

  • Try separating all testsigma server entries into individual lines (to avoid binary chars).
  • Execute command ping on addon server, ex: ping and see if the name is resolved to an IP address and receiving data.
  • If ping is not successful, work around the host entries. Try mapping If it does not work, change the IP to static IP (try private IP and public IP if available). Make sure ping returns a valid response, then try addon upload.

Not Able to Add New User

This happens due to wrong IP mapping in /etc/hosts for id-server url. Change the mapping to fix this.

Manage Docker Containers and Images

Removing Containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)
docker rm <CONTAINER-ID>

Removing Images

docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
docker rmi <ID>

App Slowness

If you encounter any issue with MySQL connection drop or a slow down, add custom commands to MySQL docker-compose as shown below.

# MySQL server  
container_name: testsigma-mysql
image: testsigmainc/onprem:mysql-honeywell-india-v351_testing_1
platform: linux/x86_64
restart: always
- ./data/db_data:/var/lib/mysql
command: --max_connections=1000 --max_allowed_packet=128M --sql_mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"
- "3307:3306"
- testsigma-network
test: out=$$(mysqladmin ping -h localhost -P 3306 -u root --password=root 2>&1); echo $$out | grep 'mysqld is alive' || { echo $$out; exit 1; }
interval: 1s
retries: 120