Run on cloud vendor platforms

Run on cloud vendor platforms

When executing your test cases on Testsigma you have the option to execute them on a cloud vendor platform that Testsigma currently supports:

  1. Browserstack
  2. Saucelabs
  3. Kobiton
  4. Lambdatest


You should already know how to run your created test cases on the integrated cloud vendor platforms.

How to run test cases and test plans on cloud vendor platforms with Testsigma

  1. Navigate to Settings → Plugins → Test Lab:

Test lab tab to run on cloud vendor platforms in Testsigma

  1. Click on the toggle button to enable the cloud vendor you want to add.
  2. You will be prompted for the credentials for the cloud vendor. Here, enter the username and API Key that you obtain from your cloud account:

Add credentials for new test lab in Testsigma

  1. Once the cloud vendor is enabled, you should be able to see it in the run menu.

Now, to run tests on these cloud vendors you have added.

  1. In the Dry Run menu, click on Run.
  2. Choose the cloud vendor from the number of options you have.
  3. Configure other options and run.

This gif demonstrates the steps to run tests on Testsigma:

Run test on added cloud vendor platform in Testsigma

Test Plans - How to select your cloud vendor ?

While creating a Test Plan, in the first tab, you will get all the options for cloud vendors.

Please choose one as shown below.

choose selected testlab for test plan execution in Testsigma