Create Environment Test Data

Create environment test data in Testsigma to ensure effective and accurate testing of your applications. Test data will allow you to simulate real-world scenarios by providing necessary input for your tests. Use different test data for each environment if you have multiple testing environments. For example, if your test runs in both staging and QA environments use two separate test data sets for each environment.


Before creating environment test data, you must understand specific concepts, such as creating Projects and effectively using them with Test Data Types and Environments.

Steps to Create Environment Test Data

  1. Navigate to Test Data > Environments in the left-side navbar. Click the Create Environment button in the top right corner of the Environments List page.
  2. Environment Info: Enter a title for the environment on the right-side navbar of the Environment Info overlay screen. Then, provide a brief Description explaining the purpose and scope of the environment. This will help your team members understand the objectives of the environment. You can also view information about the creation and last update of the environment.
  3. Enter the Names and Values for the Parameters in this environment. Mention each parameter name along with its corresponding value. After adding a value for a pair, click Add New Row for the next pair, enabling you to add more key-value pairs as required.


    Click the lock icon in the Value field to encrypt the parameter value to hide its value during testing.

  4. Alternatively, select the tab labelled JSON Format and add these values in JSON format.
  5. Click the Create button located in the top right corner of the Environment Details page to create the environment. Create Environment

Manage Environment Test Data

  1. Linked Test Plans: Click Linked Test Plans in the right-side navbar and view the environment linked to the test plans.
  2. Activity: Click Activity in the right-side navbar and view the history and comments of the environment.
  3. Click the Delete button in the top right corner of the Environment Details page to remove the environment from the project. A Delete Confirmation pop-up will appear. Click Delete. Manage Environment Delete

If you try to delete an Environment linked to a Test Plan, the application will warn and block the deletion. You must remove the Environment from the related Test Plans before trying the deletion again. Deleting the Environment will result in the loss of its associated configuration.