Test cases for Desktop Windows

In Testsigma, you can easily create Test Cases for Desktop Windows. This article discusses how to create Test Cases for Desktop Windows.


  1. You need to have a project with Desktop Windows. For more information on how to create a project, refer to manage projects.
  2. You need to have an active Testsigma Agent. For more information refer to Testsigma Agent.

Here is a quick GIF that demonstrates how to create test cases for Desktop Windows. GIF with Steps

Steps to create Test cases for Desktop Windows

  1. Open your Desktop Windows project.
  2. Navigate to Test Development > Test Cases.
  3. Click on Create Test Case. Test Case
  4. On Create Test Case page, enter Name and click on Write Test Manually. TC Page
  5. On the Test Case details page, add Test Steps and click on Run. Run
  6. On the Ad-hoc Run overlay, select Test Machine, Environment, App Path, and click on Run Now.