Import Test Data Profile

Apart from creating a test data profile, you can also import a test data profile and use it in your tests. This article discusses how to import a test data profile in Testsigma application. For more information on creating a test data profile, refer to create a test data profile.


  • You should know about test data profiles.
  • You should have a file to import.

Import File Format

To import a test data profile, you first need an XLSX file that has the data in a supported format. Below is an example of the data that an XLSX file should have.

Name Description ExpectedToFail Username Password
Iteration1 First value YES username1 password1
Iteration2 2nd value NO username2 password2
Iteration3 Third value YES username3 password3
Iteration4 Fourth value NO username4 password4
Iteration5 Fifth value YES username5 password5
Iteration6 Sixth value NO username6 password6
Iteration7 Seventh value YES username7 password7
Iteration8 Eighth value NO username8 password8
Iteration9 Ninth value YES username9 password9
Iteration10 Tenth value NO username10 password10

The following are the mandatory fields that should be present in the XLSX file.

  • Name: Name of the test data set that the corresponding row would contain
  • Description: Description for that row of that test data
  • ETF: This would be either ‘YES’ or ‘NO’, depending on whether you expect the test case to fail with this test data or you expect it to pass.

Steps to Import Test Data Profile

  1. Navigate to Test Data > Test Data Profiles. Test Data Profiles
  2. Click on Import. Import
  3. On Import Test Data Profile prompt,

    • Click on Browse File to upload the file. Browse File
    • Once the file is uploaded, enter Name and select the columns you want to encrypt. Here, we have selected the Password field to encrypt. Name
    • Click on Import. Import

On the successful import of the test data profile, you will receive an email. Refresh the test data profiles page to see the imported test data profile.

Here's a quick GIF demonstrating how to import test data profile. Import Test Data Profile