Import Test Project Test Cases

You will understand how to import projects from Test Project using YAML/GIT and smoothly move them to Testsigma through this Documentation.


Before using the import from Test Project in Testsigma, ensure that you are familiar with exporting the Test Project file as a YAML/Zip of the project or a GitHub repository for your project.

Importing from TestProject to Testsigma

  1. Navigate to Settings > Plugins. Click on the toggle to enable the Test Project plugin.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Imports and Exports.
  3. Click Import and select Import from Test Project tab.
  4. You have two options for importing TestProject projects or test cases.

    • From YAML/Zip section:

      • Click on Browse to choose the file for import, or alternatively, you can drag and drop the file.
    • From GitHub section:

      • Enter the Repository URL and Access Token.

        • We use the information to bring in the project from GitHub and we will not save the Repository URL or Token.
        • Please click here to generate a new access token and give the necessary permissions under the repositories section.

Import YAML/ZIP/ GIT file

  1. Click on Start Import to transfer projects into Testsigma.
  2. You can view your imported projects or test cases in Imports and Exports.
  3. Testsigma will automatically recognize the project and application and create test cases, steps, and elements from the imported data. Start Importing YAML/ZIP