Capture Multiple Elements Using Recorder

When automating test cases for an android application, you can capture multiple elements from the application in one go. This article discusses how to capture multiple elements using recorder.


Steps to Capture Multiple Elements

  1. Navigate to Create Tests > Elements. Elements
  2. Click on Record. Record
  3. On Record elements overlay, select Test Lab, Test Machine, Upload App Source and click on Record. Record
  4. Wait for the app to load fully.
  5. Once the app is loaded, click on element you want to capture. Element to Capture
  6. On the Create Element section, enter the Name, Screen Name, select the Element Type. Create Element
  7. Click on Create. Create
  8. The element will be saved in the elements list. Saved
  9. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for every element you want to capture.
  10. Once you have captured the elements, click on Stop Recording.
    Stop Recording
  11. You'll be redirected to the Elements page, where you can see all recorded elements. All Elements