Create Elements Manually

In dynamic websites, elements can have varying attributes/properties across sessions. In such cases, we need to create elements manually. This article discusses how to create elements manually with simple steps for a mobile web application.


  • You should know how to create an android project in Testsigma.
  • A mobile web app to test.

Steps to Create an Element

  1. Navigate to Create Tests > Elements. Elements
  2. Click on Create. Create
  3. On Create Element Overlay, enter all the details: Overlay

    • Name: Enter the name you want to give your element.
    • Screen Name: Mention the screen that your element resides on.
    • Element Type: There are 5 types of element types supported in Testsigma. This field is a drop-down list; you can select any of them: XPATH, ID, Name, Class Name, or Accessibility ID.
    • Enter Value: Enter the value corresponding to the Element Type you selected.
  4. Click on Create Element. Create Element
  5. The element will be saved in the elements list.