About Testsigma Chrome extension

Most modern web applications are built on UI frameworks like Angular, React, VueJS, which are built on basic HTML elements like div, span, etc. To interact with these elements in the context of an automated test, you need locators. This locator either searches for the single element from the root or from a position somewhere in the HTML document. We call the document structure the Document Object Model (DOM).

In Testsigma, these locators are called Elements.

With Testsigma’s Chrome Extension you capture these elements and record the user actions as test steps. Learn more about:

  1. Capturing multiple elements using Chrome extension
  2. Record User actions and convert them into test steps

Security Disclaimer

  • Testsigma Chrome Extension doesn’t track user browsing outside the application and does not collect private information such as IP address and passwords.
  • We don’t modify the source code of your application.
  • Any interaction between our client and servers is performed through a secure connection.