Disabling Test Cases in Test Plans

In Testsigma, you can disable specific test cases within your test plans by using the feature that allows you to control the execution of individual test cases based on your testing requirements. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on disabling test cases while creating or editing a test plan in Testsigma.


Before proceeding, ensure you know how Test Plans work in Testsigma, are familiar with the Add Test Suites & Link Machine Profiles tab in Create or Edit Test Plan page.

Managing Test Cases in Test Plan

  1. Navigate to Test Plans in the left-side navbar. Click the Create Test Plan button at the top right of the Test Plans list page.
  2. Alternatively, open an existing Test Plan from the list and click the Edit icon at the top right on the Test Plan details page to edit it.
  3. Navigate to the Add Test Suites & Link Machine Profiles tab on the Create or Edit Test Plan page.
  4. Click the ellipsis icon in the Test Suites section and select Manage Test Case from the dropdown list.
  5. A pop-up screen for the Manage Test Case will appear. Enable or disable the test cases by checking or unchecking the boxes.
  6. Click Update Test Suites to save the changes. Disable Test Cases in Test Suites