Install Testsigma Recorder Extension: Firefox

Testsigma Recorder extensions in Firefox allow you to record end-to-end interactions with your web applications effortlessly. The extensions capture and store these interactions as actions in simple English sentences using predefined NLPs.

Add Testsigma Recorder Extension to Firefox

  1. Open your Firefox browser and navigate to Testsigma Recorder.
  2. Click on Add to Firefox.
  3. Click Add when prompted for permission.

Check the box that says Allow this extension to run in Private Windows to enable this extension to work in Private Windows.

Enable Access Permissions in Firefox

After installing the extension, configure it as follows:

Allow Extension to Access Data

  1. Click the Extension icon in the top right corner.
  2. Navigate to Manage Your Extensions.
  3. In the Testsigma Recorder extension and click on the Menu icon, then select Manage.
  4. Under Testsigma Recorder details, go to the Permission tab and toggle on Access your data for all windows. Allow Extension to access data

Privacy & Security Settings

  1. Click the Menu icon and select Settings.
  2. Go to Privacy & Security and choose Custom in Extended Tracking Protection.
  3. In the Custom settings, select Cookies from unvisited websites from the dropdown next to Cookies.
  4. Click Reload All Tabs to apply the changes in the browser. Choose Custom in Cookies

This enables Testsigma Recorder to access all websites within the browser to record interactions.